Ongoing since 2018
A global clinical trial to allow more patients to quickly share benefits of more effective treatments
The diagnosis of glioblastoma (GBM) strikes fear into the hearts of patients, brings despair to families and generates deep frustration among those in the medical and clinical research community. GBM is the most common brain cancer and is uniformly lethal. Today, a typical GBM patient who receives standard-of-care-treatment survives only 14.6 months
While there have been significant laboratory and clinical investigations into GBM over the years, the “standard-of-care treatment” – surgery, chemotherapy and radiation – has remained unchanged.
This troubling state of affairs for glioblastoma patients was the impetus for creating the GBM AGILE (GBM Adaptive Global Innovative Learning Environment) trial for patients with newly diagnosed and recurrent glioblastoma. AFCR has been supporting GBM AGILE since day one, from ideas to operation, in partnership with The Global Coalition for Adaptive Research (GCAR), Cure Brain Cancer Foundation, National Foundation for Cancer Research, National Biomarker Development Alliance, and National Brain Tumor Society and other charities.
AFCR supports GBM AGILE by providing travel grants to Chinese scientists from eight major hospitals for them to attend the GBM AGILE workshops and press conference in the U.S. AFCR also provides the travel grant to the US scientists to travel to China to attend the GBM AGILE related conference and works in China.
- GBM AGILE is a revolutionary new type of “adaptive” trial platform, one that will evaluate and test multiple drugs simultaneously with the goal of identifying new and effective therapies to treat and cure this deadly brain
- The trial will allow patients to enroll more quickly, receive treatment(s) based on each patient’s individualized response and does not require years of follow-up to determine whether a new experimental treatment is beneficial
By design, GBM AGILE is changing the IDEA of clinical trials.
Innovative – The new “adaptive trial” will lower cost of development and speed progress.
Dynamic – Perpetual learning system to quickly add potentially promising new drugs and drop those that appear to be ineffective.
Efficient – Design and trial structure that will require fewer patients and a shorter time frame to get important answers about a drug’s effectiveness.
Accessible – Global effort open to a broad patient population of newly diagnosed and recurrent GBM patients.
AFCR supports GBM AGILE, recognizing it as being among the most innovative and paradigm-shifting trial platforms in the world, and one that may provide huge impacts for brain cancer patients.
Significantly, the knowledge and the trial design platform established from GBM AGILE can be a model to be used for other rare and deadly cancers – giving cancer patients hope for treatments that are best suited for their care.