
Latest monthly figures show worst performance for cancer waiting times target in England on record

Anne Li                                                                                                March 12th, 2017


The failure of NHS England to meet the 62 day waiting time target for cancer patients is the worst on record, according to new monthly figures. NHS England aims for 85% of patients to start their cancer treatment within 62 days following an urgent GP referral for suspected cancer. The latest NHS figures report that in January only 79.7% of patients began treatment within that time, the worst performance since the target was introduced in 2009. The crucial target has now been missed annually for three years. Combined with rising cancer rates, in part due to an ageing population, the “unacceptable” failure means that more people than ever are missing out on timely treatment.


See original article at: https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-us/cancer-news/news-report/2017-03-09-latest-monthly-figures-show-worst-performance-for-cancer-waiting-times-target-in-england-on-record

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