
Tackling ‘undruggable’ genes in lung and pancreatic cancers is this researcher’s life

Anne Li                                                                                     December 10th, 2017


There comes a point when we all ask: ‘what am I doing with my life?’ It’s a question often tied to career choices as we plot the road to follow. Cancer researchers are no different. When embarking on their career, they have to choose a topic they often dedicate their life to researching. And with over 200 types of cancer, there’s a lot to choose from. Plus, much like in music and fashion, there are often trends in cancer research that come and go. This can make it tough to predict what will be in the spotlight next. But some scientists know right from the beginning what area of cancer they’re going to work on, and what they hope to achieve. And some choose this path knowing they’re taking on a huge challenge.


See original article at: https://scienceblog.cancerresearchuk.org/2017/11/30/tackling-undruggable-genes-in-lung-and-pancreatic-cancers-is-this-researchers-life/

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