
New Mouse Model Closely Mimics Most Common Leukemia in Infants

Anne Li                              1/1/17


Researchers have created a long-sought-after mouse model for the most common form of infant leukemia, an aggressive form of acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) for which prognosis is poor. The model closely mimics how this cancer arises and progresses in humans. The overall cure rate of childhood B-cell ALL has improved dramatically in recent decades. But this same success has not extended to children under age 1 with the most common type of infant leukemia, an aggressive ALL subtype known as t(4;11) pro-B ALL or MLL-AF4 leukemia. About two-thirds of infants diagnosed with this leukemia subtype relapse or die within 5 years.


See original article at: https://www.cancer.gov/news-events/cancer-currents-blog/2016/leukemia-infant-research-model


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