
Children’s cancer survival continues to increase

Anne Li                                                                                               Feburary 11th, 2016


Children diagnosed with cancer in England are now more likely to survive for at least 5 years compared to 25 years ago. Fewer than 7 in 10 children diagnosed with cancer in 1990 survived for at least 5 years. But new figures from the Office of National Statistics estimate this to be more than 8 in 10 for those diagnosed in 2015. 10 year survival is also increasing, according to the new data that includes children (aged 0 to 14 years) diagnosed between 1990 and 2015. Over the last decade, cancer incidence rates in children have remained stable. Around 1,800 children are diagnosed with cancer in the UK each year, and there are around 260 deaths from cancer.
See original article at: https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-us/cancer-news/news-report/2017-02-09-childrens-cancer-survival-continues-to-increase

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