
Watching how ‘young’ cells move gives clues on skin cancer spread

Anne Li                                                                                               Feburary 25th, 2017


We all start life as a fertilised egg, but for this to develop into an embryo each cell has to go through a step-by-step process. It’s a carefully choreographed journey that combines how cells divide and move. And whether they’re destined to form the tip of a little finger or a sturdy big toe, these ‘young’ cells rely on lots of different molecules working together. These molecules are vital to help the cells travel from a ball in the middle of the embryo, to their final destination, where they grow and mature. Collectively these processes are called developmental biology, and Professor Laura Machesky, a cell biologist from our Beatson Institute in Glasgow, takes lessons from these cells and applies them to cancer. Working with cells from mouse embryos, her team studies how these ‘young’ cells move in search of links to how cancers spread.
See original article at: https://scienceblog.cancerresearchuk.org/2017/02/23/watching-how-young-cells-move-gives-clues-on-skin-cancer-spread/

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