
There’s more to emergency diagnoses than GPs ‘failing cancer patients’

Anne Li                                                                                               April 29th, 2017


According to April 25th's headlines, GPs are ‘failing an estimated 32,000 cancer patients a year’ in England. But those headlines unfairly place the blame at GP surgery doors. The reports follow a study we funded from a team of scientists based at UCL, The University of Cambridge, The University of Exeter and Public Health England. And while the researchers looked for the number of people diagnosed as an ‘emergency’ who had or hadn’t previously seen a GP, the findings didn’t show that GPs were mostly to blame for these diagnoses by ‘ignoring’ or ‘rejecting’ patients. Or that patients themselves had done anything wrong.


See original article at: https://scienceblog.cancerresearchuk.org/2017/04/26/theres-more-to-emergency-diagnoses-than-gps-failing-cancer-patients/

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