Your Donations Make a Difference


Finding a cure for cancer is a team effort. That’s why we are so grateful for your role as a friend of the Asian Fund for Cancer Research. Your support fuels REAL PROGRESS for people battling cancer.

EVERY donation to AFCR, big and small, adds power to the fight against cancer. The following list gives you a few examples on what your donations could do for cancer research.

HK$200-$800 Stains 1 tissue slide from a tumor biopsy to look for a predictive biomarker of cancer metastasis.
HK$800 Evaluates 1 tumor biomarker for one patient to help him/her to receive the most beneficial therapy available.
HK$2000 Buys 1 case of petri dishes to grow cancer cells on a larger scale.

Your donation of HK$100, HK$150, maybe HK$200 or more will speed progress and help bring an end to the suffering that this terrible disease causes. It might even save the life of someone you know.

Please don’t wait to renew your support. I urge you to send your most generous gift possible today, and give hope to families whose loved ones are fighting cancer. Thank you for your kindness and commitment!