5 Facts about Esophageal Cancer
Esophageal cancer is cancer that impacts the 10-inch-long tube that connects the mouth to the stomach. That important track is vital to survive, and used daily, but esophageal cancer is shockingly referred to as a…
5 Questions with Dr. Sujuan Ba, Founder & CEO of the Asian Fund for Cancer Research
“5 Questions With…” is a weekly BioBuzz series where we reach out to interesting people in the BioHealth Capital Region to share a little about themselves, their work, and maybe something completely unrelated. This week…
Convergence of Western Science and Traditional Chinese Medicine — Botanical Cancer Drug Platform
THE CHALLENGE —Unmet Medical Need for Holistic Cancer Treatment Cancer is a heterogeneous disease. Heterogeneity in cancer is not limited to differences between different patients, but also occurs within a single patient. This intrapatient or…
Asian Fund for Cancer Research Announces Inaugural 2020 BRACE Award Venture Competition Winner
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: 7 April 2021 CONTACTS: Asian Fund for Cancer Research Bradley Gillenwater, Senior Director for Corporate Engagement E-mail: [email protected] Hugill & Ip Solicitors Marco Raccuia, Head of Finance & Operations E-mail: [email protected] Asian…
The Benefits of Juicing: Fact vs Fiction
No matter who you are or where you live, everyone can benefit by following one simple rule: eat more vegetables! But is juicing also beneficial? To keep it simple, the Asian Fund for Cancer Research…