
Cancer patients diagnosed at an earlier stage are more likely to have surgery than chemotherapy

Anne Li                                                                                     November 18th, 2017   Surgery, radiotherapy and…...

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Cancer patients diagnosed early are more likely to avoid chemotherapy

Anne Li                                                                                     November 18th, 2017   Different types of…...

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Brain tumours’ shared metabolic tricks hint at new approach to treatment

Anne Li                                                                                     November 3rd, 2017   When we hear…...

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MPs launch inquiry into e-cigarettes

Anne Li                                                                                    November 3rd, 2017   A parliamentary committee…...

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Some aggressive ovarian cancers start in the fallopian tubes, not the ovaries

Anne Li                                                                                     November 3rd, 2017   The most aggressive…...

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Internal radiotherapy: tackling cancer from within

Anne LI                                                                                     Noverber 3rd, 2017   There’s more to…...

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‘Alexa, what’s my flash briefing?’ How an Amazon Echo can now read you the latest cancer news

Anne Li                                                                                     November 3rd, 2017   Cancer Research UK's…...

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News digest – childhood obesity, sugar and cancer confusion, personalised cell therapy and… robots?

Anne Li                                                                                     October 28th, 2017   This week, Cancer…...

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‘A handful’ of gene faults can turn a healthy cell cancerous

Anne Li                                                                                      October 28th, 2017   Fewer than…...

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England’s cancer strategy: what has changed in the last two years?

Anne Li                                                                                      October 28th, 2017   Two years…...

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