Finding the Cure and Bringing Hope.
You Can Help Today!
Gifts in Honor
When our loved ones, family, or friends are battling cancer, or have just won their fight against it, we all want to make an impact.
Gifts in Memory
A gift in memory is a truly meaningful way to commemorate a loved one, family or friend who has passed away from cancer.
Monthly Giving
Your monthly automatic donation will PERPETUATE THE HOPE. When AFCR can depend upon your regular contributions, we can make a difference
AFCR provides the public with a wide variety of in-depth, user-friendly cancer prevention information and healthy lifestyle suggestions. We help the community understand the latest scientific achievements and their potential significance to improve the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of cancer. Armed with this knowledge, people can better protect themselves against cancer.
Your donation today will make the difference in advancing innovative cancer research programs to ensure better ways to prevent, diagnose, and treat all types of cancer. We are so grateful to have your help in our research for finding cures. Every gift you make helps scientists in their search for better ways to understand cancer, so that one day, we will no longer have to fear the words “you have cancer”.